Fried Green Tomatoes

by | Jan 18, 2014 | Veggies | 0 comments

Our grocery had green tomatoes on special, so I picked up a few. I always loved fried green tomatoes when I was growing up; but until now I’ve not had any luck getting them right. I think the secret is slicing them very thin.


2 green tomatoes; sliced 1/8″ to 1/4″
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup corn meal
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
garlic powder
onion powder
cayenne powder
oil for frying


Combine flour, meal, and seasonings in a small bowl. In another bowl prepare an egg  wash by stirring some milk into the beaten eggs.

Pour a spoon or two of oil into a skillet over medium heat. When the oil comes up to temperature, dip tomato slices in the egg wash; then coat with the flour/meal mixture. Add to the skillet and watch carefully.

It only takes a couple or three minutes to brown; turn and brown on the other side. Drain on paper towels. I like mine with a bit of Ranch Dressing. Sherry likes hers just plain. I’ve heard that a good hot sauce works too.