Fish Tacos in Beer Batter

by | Jun 25, 2009 | Seafood | 0 comments

Our neighbor brings us fresh caught sea trout now and then. They almost melt in your mouth when cooked this way. Other times I’ve used catfish or ocean perch.


1 lb catfish fillets or nuggets (or other fish if desired; ocean perch works nicely.)
1 cup flour (plus an extra 1/2 cup for coating fish)
1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt
1 cup beer
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
garlic powder (optional)
onion powder (optional)
Chef Paul’s Salt-free Magic Seasoning (optional)
oil for frying
8 corn or flour tortillas (We like whole wheat.)
2 cups fresh garden salad (lettuce, tomatoes, jicama, fresh turnips, etc.)
mayo or salad dressing to taste


Cut fish pieces into strips the size of a little finger. Season with salt & pepper and/or other seasonings if desired. Set aside.

Combine flour, salt, and baking powder in medium size bowl.

Combine beer and egg; then add to flour mixture. Stir briefly; don’t worry about lumps.

Heat about 1/4 inch of oil in heavy frying pan. When a pinch of flour dropped into the oil sizzles, the oil is ready.

Roll fish pieces in flour; then dip in batter. Place a few pieces of battered fish into the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. Remove to paper towel covered plate to drain. Continue until all of the fish is cooked.

Warm tortillas either in the microwave or in a dry skillet.

Spread a bit of mayo on a tortilla, and top with fish pieces and a bit of salad. Roll up like a burrito, and serve with plenty of cold beer.

This recipe is simple and delicious. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different fish, different salad makings, or more exotic dressings or salsas. I recommend this piece I “borrowed” from the San Francisco Chronicle. Have fun with this delicious treat. Note: I added this on March 14, 2013. More on fish tacos.