Grill Medley
I fired up the Weber tonight and added some hickory chunks. I banked the fire on two sides, placed an aluminum drip pan in the center, and prepared a vegetable medley for the grill.
purple onion, peeled and sliced 3/8 inch thick
1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, washed and dried
one thick carrot, cut into 1/2″ by 3″ sticks
2 sweet red peppers, cut into quarters and cleaned of seeds
1 green bell pepper, quartered and cleaned
Wash and cut vegetables. Lightly coat with canned olive oil cooking spray. Sprinkle with Chef Paul’s No-Salt Seasoning. Place on grill over indirect heat. Test veggies for doneness after about 20 minutes.
Wait a few, and test veggies again. Vary veggies as desired. Try calabasita squashes cut into spears, sliced egg plant, or anything else that’s fresh and available. Have fun!