Randal Byrd

by | Jun 9, 2010 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Married since 1971 and very much still in love, my wife Sherry and I are happy to have taught Sunday school for elementary, junior high, and senior high aged students for over 10 years. She likes me to add that we also taught at our previous church back in Conway, Arkansas – St. Peter’s. (At the invitation of our priest there at the time, Greg Rickel, who is now Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia.)

I can’t think of a more fun bunch I’d rather spend time with (youngsters – that is). I’ve told them many times that one of the most intimate things we as humans can do is to feed one another. The Bible is chock full of stories about meals, food, preparing the food, figuring out how to come up with enough food, etc. Read and enjoy, and remember to love one another.

I promise you you’ll be glad you did (love one another; that is).


In a previous life, I played the blues in recording studios and on Beale Street in Memphis. More recently, just for fun, I strung together some bits and pieces; added some  harmonica riffs, and borrowed some of Sherry’s paintings to build this piece.




    • Born in July, 1951 – You do the math.

Current Location: Houston, Texas

Occupation: Sales (Senior health and life insurance)

Hobbies: Cooking; wait. That’s not a hobby; that’s a necessity. Okay — music (listening, playing, performing, listening, playing, performing…..); reading (I love novels – Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is my all time top favorite.); bicycling; sky-diving (just kidding, I’d NEVER jump out of an airplane.); politics (Ask my wife; she’ll say it’s not a hobby – it’s an obsession.); church (Love is where it’s at, and I’m convinced God’s love is real. *S*); college football on TV; being in love with the most wonderful friend a man could ever hope to find – ms sherry; and that about says it all. Except for one more thing.

Don’t forget to love one another. I promise you that you’ll be glad you did. *S*


More: A Brief Autobiography