Hot Water Cornbread

by Jun 23, 2018Breads & Grains

I used to help my mother make this back in our Frayser days.


2 cups Cornmeal (Yellow or White)
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup grated onion or chopped
1-2 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup ( or more ) boiling water


In a large bowl, mix together cornmeal, salt, sugar, grated onion, melted butter. Add boiling water. Stir until batter is smooth.

Heat oil in a cast iron or frying pan over medium high heat.

Scoop up about 3 tablespoons of the batter and flatten into a patty. If the batter is crumbly, try adding a bit of water. Place in the skillet and fry until brown. Flip and brown the other side. (3 to 5 minutes total)

Remove to a paper towel to drain. Serve immediately.